The formation of the loyalty of a soft drink brand




Consumer Experience with the Brand, Brand Personality, Brand Love, Brand Loyalty, Structural Equation Modeling


Objective: The objective of the research was to verify the impacts of consumer’s brand experience on brand personality and brand love as antecedents of consumer brand loyalty in the context of Guaraná Jesus soft drink brand.

 Method: A quantitative research was conducted by applying a survey. Multivariate statistical techniques were used to analyze the data based on Structural Equation Modeling.

 Main Results: We identified that consumer’s experience with the brand, formed by the sensory, affective, and behavioral dimensions, has a direct and significant impact on brand personality and brand love and an indirect and significant effect on consumer brand loyalty.

Theoretical Contributions: The brand as one of the main assets of organizations has a reliable power to influence purchasing and consumption behavior.

 Relevance/Originality: We highlight the proposition of a Theoretical Model that prioritizes the role of consumer’s experience with the brand, with its respective formative dimensions (sensory, affective and behavioral), brand personality, and brand love as antecedents of brand loyalty, in addition to identifying a strong effect of brand love in creating consumer brand loyalty.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Sperandio Milan, University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos.

PhD in Production Engineering.

Luciene Eberle, University of Caxias do Sul – UCS.

PhD in Administration

Deonir De Toni, University of Caxias do Sul – UCS.

PhD in Administration

Valter Marcos Monteiro Fortes, University of Caxias do Sul – UCS.

PhD in Administration


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How to Cite

Milan, G. S., Eberle, L., De Toni, D., & Fortes, V. M. M. (2021). The formation of the loyalty of a soft drink brand. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 20(1), 148–174.