Enhancing quality in online surveys: uncovering foundational themes and strategies
https://doi.org/10.5585/remark.v23i4.25692Palabras clave:
Methodology, Online questionnaire, Survey quality, Data qualityResumen
Purpose: This study aimed to identify the foundational themes and strategies to enhance response quality in online surveys.
Method: The term "online survey" and its variations were employed as broad keywords for the article selection process to identify methodological and empirical articles about online survey quality. The selected database was characterized using bibliometric techniques, the foundational themes were identified through co-citation analysis, and recommended strategies were determined using bibliographic coupling analysis.
Findings: The foundational themes in online survey literature encompass Device, Mode of Administration, Question Design, Careless Responses, Response Rate, Paradata, Statistical Adjustment, Incentives, and Household Survey. Device and Mode of Administration emphasize the description and comparison of online collection methods with traditional approaches and explore the use of different devices. The remaining themes investigate strategies aimed at enhancing online survey response, focusing on specific strategies, quality indicators, or participant behaviors.
Originality/Value: This study serves as a valuable guideline for survey researchers. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first review using co-citation analysis to identify the main strategies for improving response quality in online survey research.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: This research contributes across many disciplines by uncovering the main strategies to improve response quality in online survey research and providing guidance for survey researchers.
Social/Managerial contributions: By highlighting the importance of survey protocols and the potential biases and errors associated with unplanned research, the findings offer practical insights for social and managerial contexts.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Fernanda Sayuri Yoda, Otávio Bandeira de Lamônica Freire
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