Events Marketing Model of Dubai Shopping Festival


  • K. Prakash Vel University of Wollongong in Dubai
  • Laila Mohamed Suhail Dubai Festivals and retail Establishments (DFRE)
  • Amal Dokhan King Abdulla University of Science and Technology



, Events Marketing, Internal drivers, External Drivers


Cities and places have become major destinations through taking the extra mile of creativity and offering a well-researched package of offerings through systematically planned events. One such leading example in the list of successful festivals that have earned a global reputation due to its uniqueness and creative event offerings is the Dubai Shopping Festival (DSF) in the United Arab Emirates. This paper is a case study based description of the internal and external drivers involved in planning and implementing a global event successfully and has captured the various drivers through a structured framework. The analysis serves as a good addition to the existing literature on ‘Events Marketing’. 


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Como Citar

Vel, K. P., Suhail, L. M., & Dokhan, A. (2014). Events Marketing Model of Dubai Shopping Festival. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 13(6), 138–147.