Dynamic capabilities and complementarity in complex IT projects in Brazil: Dataprev's experience
Resource-Based View (RBV), Complementarity, Dynamic capabilities, Information technology investments, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).Abstract
Objective of the study: Large IT projects are admittedly complex, expensive, and risky, and not always produce the desired business results. In this study, we draw on the Resource-Based View and the theory of dynamic capabilities to elucidate the dynamics that allow a company to extract value continuously from an investment in a large corporate system.
Methodology / approach: To accomplish this, we developed a case study on the implementation and post-implementation of an ERP system by Dataprev, a large Brazilian public company.
Originality / Relevance: Our study provides empirical evidence of the interplay among complementary IT and organizational resources and capabilities, and dynamic capabilities in a large ERP implementation project and subsequent events in a Brazilian public company. There is still a paucity of research on these three issues, especially in the context of emerging economies.
Main results: Our analysis of the primary and secondary qualitative data we collected showed that, over time, the company's dynamic capabilities worked to improve the complementarity of IT and organizational resources and capabilities. This allowed Dataprev to develop new synergistic resources and capabilities and thereby, increase its performance and competitiveness continuously.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: We describe these resources and capabilities, as well as the dynamics of their interactions, and discuss its theoretical and practical implications.
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