Repercussions of breast cancer treatment on upper limb functionality




Breast neoplasms, Radiotherapy, Post operative complications, Functional incapacity, Upper extremity.



Introduction: Therapies for breast control involve surgery, systemic treatments and radiotherapy, so a cluster of complications can impact the functionality of the superior.

Objective: To evaluate the muscular strength and range of motion of women with breast cancer in radiotherapy treatment and to analyze an influence of these variables on the functionality of the member homolateral to the surgery. Methodology: Thus, we included 57 women and appreciation assessment of range of motion and muscle strength comparing upper limb homolateral and contralateral to surgery and, after applied in the Disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand questionnaire.

Results: The results showed satisfactory superior functionality score. A muscle strength was unchanged, but there was a reduction in the range of motion in flexion and abduction. Correlation between range of motion, muscle strength and functionality was verified mainly in abduction.

Conclusion: Muscle strength directly affects the functionality of the upper limb.


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How to Cite

Nava LP, Barroso BF, Dias AS, Sachetti A. Repercussions of breast cancer treatment on upper limb functionality. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];18(3):402-13. Available from:



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