Effect of injury prevention program on functional performance and postural balance in basketball players
Basketball, Postural balance, Muscle strength, Sport injuries.Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the effect of Injury prevention program on knee extension/flexion muscle function and postural balance in young basketball players.
Methods: This study included eight basketball players (15±1.06 years), that had their knee joint muscle strength assessed by means of a (1) isokinetic dynamometer and (2) their postural balance assessed by computadorized dynamic posturography. A warm-up programme to prevent injuries was based on FIFA11+, functional exercises and hip strengthening exercises, practiced during 12 weeks.
Results: We found increased muscle extensors and flexors torque peak (TP) and power (P) of the non dominant limb at concentric mode; as well, we found increased muscle flexor power of the dominant limb at concentric and eccentric modes after program completion. We found improvements in postural balance post intervention.
Conclusions: Our study showed that a prevention program improved investigated variables.
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