Parafunctional habits and symptomatology of patients submitted to buco-maxillo-facial interventions in a physiotherapy school clinic: a retrospective study of 15 years




Temporomandibular joint, Physiotherapy, Pain


Objective: To compare clinically patients with buccomaxillofacial disorders (DBMF) treated at a physiotherapy school clinic in the city of Fortaleza. 
Materials and methods: Among 5,357 medical records, data were collected from 315 medical records for patients affected by DBMF, among them, 62 men and 253 women. 
Results: The study adopted a predominant profile of female patients, single, between 21 and 30 years old, students, who used muscle relaxants; women felt irradiated pain, and men, thin pain. Bruxism/indentations/dental wear were prevalent in both sex and the symptoms that showed statistical difference between men and women were neck pain (p = 0.0051), headache (p <0.0001), tingling of the upper limbs (p = 0.0371) and body pain (p = 0.0234). 
Conclusion: Bruxism/indentations/dental wear were prevalent in both sex. Among men, the most prevalent symptom was pain or tiredness when chewing, while among women it was headache.



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How to Cite

Oliveira VBS de, Spinato IL, Costa MFA, Biasotto-Gonzalez DA, Santos-Júnior FFU. Parafunctional habits and symptomatology of patients submitted to buco-maxillo-facial interventions in a physiotherapy school clinic: a retrospective study of 15 years. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 18];19(1):e18352. Available from:
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