Evaluation of the use of fad diets to patients at an outpatient specialty nutrition and its implications in metabolism


  • Fernanda Betoni URI Campus de Erechim
  • Vivian Polachini Skzypek Zanardo URI Campus de Erechim
  • Giovana Cristina Ceni URI - Campus de Erechim




Diet, Nutrition, Reducing, Weight loss.


Objective: To evaluate the use of fad diets for weight loss for patients treated on an outpatient specialty in nutrition, in northern Brazil. Materials and methods: This study was a cross-sectional study with a sample of 40 patients who answered an anonymous questionnaire before the scheduled start of nutritional care. Results: Among patients, 11 reported having been on fad diets, all female. The soup diet was the most cited. Most patients felt very bad result. Most noted that the time was very short lightweight or short. Among the symptoms mentioned, the most common were weakness, dizziness and irritability. In relation to the diets for the patients considered harmful to health, the soup was the most pointed. Conclusion: The use of fad diets questioned by patients was low, indicating that these individuals have adequate knowledge about nutrition


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Author Biographies

Fernanda Betoni, URI Campus de Erechim

Graduanda em Nutrição, curso de Nutrição – URI Campus de Erechim, RS

Vivian Polachini Skzypek Zanardo, URI Campus de Erechim

Nutricionista, Mestre em Gerontologia Biomédica, Docente do curso de Nutrição – URI Campus de Erechim, RS

Giovana Cristina Ceni, URI - Campus de Erechim

Nutricionista, mestre em Engenharia de Alimentos e Doutora em Bioquímica. Atua como docente do Curso de Nutrição, desenvolvendo pesquisa e em nutrição humana e saúde.



How to Cite

Betoni F, Zanardo VPS, Ceni GC. Evaluation of the use of fad diets to patients at an outpatient specialty nutrition and its implications in metabolism. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2010 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];9(3):430-4. Available from: https://periodicos.uninove.br/saude/article/view/2322



Applied Sciences
  • Abstract 5619
  • PDF (Português (Brasil)) 4186