Effect of medicinal plant Bauhinia forficata (Link) in type 2 diabetic subjects


  • Cattia Zaccaron Centro Universitário UNIVATES
  • Claudete Rempel
  • Andreia Aparecida Guimarães Strohschoen Centro Universitário UNIVATES
  • Simone Morelo Dal Bosco Centro Universitário UNIVATES
  • Claudete Moreschi Centro Univesitário UNIVATES-Lajeado, RS




Diabetes mellitus, Phytotherapeutic drugs, Public health.


Introduction: Bauhinia forficata is a medicinal plant used in the diabetes treatment, it is popularly known as pata-de-vaca or vegetable insulida. Objectives: To relate the levels of blood glucose, blood pressure and anthropometric measurements in patients with type 2 diabetes who use medicinal plant tea Bauhinia forficata. Methods: Two groups were analyzed: control and test (the latter took the B. forficata infusion). During the first and last meeting, anthropometric measurements were taken; and, every two weeks, for a period of 180 days, blood pressure and fasting plasma glucose, through hemoglucotest, were measured in all users. Results: There was a significant decrease in the values of the hemoglucotest test group in comparison to the values of the first and last collection (t = 2.97, p = 0.007). This did not occur for the control group (t = 1.93, p = 0.06). Other analyzes showed no significant variations. Conclusion: The data demonstrate the effectiveness of this medicinal plant for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


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Author Biographies

Cattia Zaccaron, Centro Universitário UNIVATES

Nutricionista – Especialista em Dietoterapia nos Ciclos da Vida – Univates. Bento Gonçalves, RS – Brasil.

Claudete Rempel

Bióloga. Doutora em Ecologia, UFRGS. Professora do Centro Universitário UNIVATES. Lajeado, RS

Andreia Aparecida Guimarães Strohschoen, Centro Universitário UNIVATES

Bióloga - Doutora em Ecologia, Docente do Programa de Pós Graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática – Univates. Lajeado, RS – Brasil.

Simone Morelo Dal Bosco, Centro Universitário UNIVATES

Nutricionista - Doutora em Medicina, Coordenadora do Curso de Nutrição – Univates. Lajeado, RS – Brasil.

Claudete Moreschi, Centro Univesitário UNIVATES-Lajeado, RS

Enfermeira. Mestra e Doutoranda em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento da UNIVATES.



How to Cite

Zaccaron C, Rempel C, Guimarães Strohschoen AA, Morelo Dal Bosco S, Moreschi C. Effect of medicinal plant Bauhinia forficata (Link) in type 2 diabetic subjects. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2014 Jul. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];13(2):171-8. Available from: https://periodicos.uninove.br/saude/article/view/4684


