Electromyographic analysis of the spinal muscles during the gait in different ways to carry a baby


  • Felipe Ribeiro Cabral Fagundes Universidade Cidade de São Paulo
  • Francine Mendonça de Luna Teixeira Universidade Cidade de São Paulo
  • Lerrine Fernanda Camargo Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades – Universidade de São Paulo – EACH/USP
  • Luís Mochizuki Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades – Universidade de São Paulo – EACH/USP
  • César Ferreira Amorim Universidade Cidade de São Paulo
  • Renato José Soares Universidade de Taubaté - Unitau




Spine, Pregnancy, Electromiography.


Introduction: The way to carry the baby may cause imbalances in muscles related to the spine. Objectives: To investigate the electrical activity of the muscles trapezius descending fibers and lumbar erector during the simulation of carrying a baby. Methods: 20 volunteers right-handed and healthy participate of the study during walking on a treadmill to simulate the act of carrying the baby in different ways: 1) horizontal position; 2) vertical position; 3) Support Type "kangaroo" and 4) Support Type "sling". The EMG results were analyzed by analysis of the intensity of the electromyographic signal of the muscles trapezius fibers descendants and spinal lumbar erector bilaterally. Results: A two-way ANOVA indicated that the way of loading (F(4, 59)=17.1 p <0,001) and next (F(1, 59)=89.6 p <0.001) affected the intensity of the activity spinal erector muscles and also the way of loading (F(4, 59)=6.4 p <0.001) and next (F(1, 59)=59.9 p <0.001) of the trapezius muscle fibers descendants. Conclusions: Kangaroo support generated less activation in spinal muscles during when compared to other situations.


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Author Biography

Felipe Ribeiro Cabral Fagundes, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

Mestre em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Cidade de São Paulo Doutorando em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Cidade de São Paulo



How to Cite

Fagundes FRC, Teixeira FM de L, Camargo LF, Mochizuki L, Amorim CF, Soares RJ. Electromyographic analysis of the spinal muscles during the gait in different ways to carry a baby. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2016 Oct. 6 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];15(2):210-6. Available from: https://periodicos.uninove.br/saude/article/view/6395


