The efficacy of cortical stimulation in the motor perceptual development of adolescents with Down syndrome
Motor Activity, Hearing Stimulation, Trisomy of chromosome 21.Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of cortical stimulation in the motor perceptivedevelopment of adolescents with Down syndrome (DS). Methods: Anexperimental study was carried out with 36 adolescents between the ages of 13and 17, students of the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional,divided into control group (GA) and experimental group (GB). They were evaluatedby the mental processing test and as an intervention procedure the corticalstimulation program was performed through auditory stimuli by beat pathways.Results: A significant value was found for GBXGA between the F= 21.08 andp<0.01 blocks, so the best performance of the participants in GB was not random,since the Turkey test was used to resolve any doubts. Revealed for a variance Q=0.08 a p <0.01. Conclusion: In this way the present research verified the effectivenessthat the cortical stimulation provided in the significant improvement in themotor perceptive development of the adolescents with DS.Downloads
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How to Cite
Lima AP de, Cardoso FB. The efficacy of cortical stimulation in the motor perceptual development of adolescents with Down syndrome. Cons. Saúde [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];16(3):311-7. Available from:
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