Historical awareness, history and Afro-Brazilian culture in an intertextual dialogue
Historical consciousness, Afro-brazilian history and culture, Reflective education.Abstract
The research was developed in the line of research History, Society and Education on the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, with the objective of fostering changes in historical consciousness, through the naive Freirean transitive route, and through the Rüsenian previous route, starting from the historical knowledge of academics from higher education courses in Computer Engineering, Technology in Systems Development, Technology in Digital Game Development and Civil Engineering, in 2018 and 2019.The contents integrated the elaboration and narrative representation of temporal continuity - past, present and future - based on: - an action research and - a qualitative treatment of the data, - intermediated by cultural languages (Brazilian literary works, films and documentaries) from the 18th to the 21st century, chosen from among the most representative names in each area. The conclusion is that the process of forming historical consciousness has been reached, both in relation to the deconstruction of manichaean ideas and historical linearity, as well as to racist and self-centered discourses.
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