Integrative review: elderly's literacy and freire´s circles of culture
Educação. Idoso. Letramentos.Abstract
In the Brazilian context, in general, since the beginning of the 1980s, research on reading and writing has focused on teaching and learning situations related to children and youngsters in schooling. Only in the last years, some Brazilian researchers have considered, through different theoretical and methodological prisms, questions of reading and writing related to the literacy practices of the elderly. In view of this scenario, this article, based on a bibliographical basis, is based on an integrative review of scientific databases. The search was carried out with the following descriptors and their combinations in the Portuguese and English language - “letramento + idoso” e “literacy + older people”, passing between the fields of Education, Applied Linguistics and Health. the literacy of the elderly has been dealt with in some academic-scientific articles in order to understand the different theoretical-methodological currents that support studies that focus on the scriptural practices of the elderly population and how these practices impact on their lives. In this perspective, the literacy of the elderly can also be understood and analyzed from the theoretical-methodological scope of the New Studies of Literature and from what we understand as an exemplar of the epistemological model of literacy: the Círculo de Cultura Freiriano. The data gathered confirm the need to broaden the understanding of reading and writing practices in the context of Gerontology, Education and Applied Linguistics, in order to promote activities that enable the elderly to realize their basic rights as citizens.Downloads
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