The conflict between the brazilian neoconservatism and Paulo Freire: the dispute between the oppression and the autonomy
autonomy, neoconservatism, Olavo de Carvalho, oppression, Paulo Freire pedagogy.Abstract
Recently, a neoconservative wave emerged in Brazil, represented by reactionary movements that elected Bolsonaro, and influenced by Olavo de Carvalho ideologist. This paper explored and synthesized both pedagogical lines of Freire and neoconservatism thinking, therefore, we analyzed the content of an opinion article and an interview by Carvalho that dealt with Freire and, then, we analyzed the characteristic conflicts between the synthesis of Freire's pedagogy and neoconservative thinking. Thus, we argue that the Brazilian neoconservative movement underestimates, does not recognize and rejects the legacy and Freire’s educational thinking due to the divergent and incompatible ideological and value nature of both. The conclusion is that the Brazilian neoconservative movement seeks to maintain the status quo, that is, the existence and maintenance of the relationship between oppressors and oppressed; Therefore, the Brazilian neoconservative movement does not accept Freire's proposal on the liberation of the oppressed through education that dialogues with the reality of the students, which makes them think, form a critical sense and thus free themselves from the state of oppression.
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