The place and the emotions raised: aesthetic experience in the urban imaginary of Tubarão, Santa Catarina
Aesthetics, Urban imaginar, . Sunday on the street, Imagination, sensitive.Abstract
This article analyzes, from the municipal project, Domingo na Rua, the movements that occur as multiple interactions with the city and its public condition, in terms of the different logics of relationship with spaces. Thus, describing a perception of the city from the experience of its aesthetics, recognizing marks of the interpretations of cultural, social and environmental dynamics in an exercise of street ethnography (ROCHA and ECKERT, 2013). We seek to understand how people who are attracted by the aesthetic experience of closing the street perceive a city in a different way, expressing a change in meaning and symbolization of the city, since the street leaves a functional flow, commerce and traffic, to allow a place of popular experience and integrator of the city's imaginary. In the last analysis, this procedure becomes an experience that involves the urban imaginary and is a practice of education for the imagination (contact with nature, public leisure space, social relations, outdoor activities).
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