Decolonizing cartographic languages - the construction of a cartography engaged




Engaged Cartography, collective mapping, city educator, sentipensar, popular educators.


In this article we present some practices developed by Kollektiv Orangotango a circle of critical geographers and friends in coevolution since the 2000s.   In addition to artistic interventions in the public space, critical cartography is a crucial part of our work, we have co-conducted various collective mappings, published educational mapping materials, multilingual manuals, video tutorials and an international collection of contracartography called This Is Not an Atlas. Collective mapping is a process of territorial reflection, awareness, and self-organization, integrating different types of knowledge, every day, traditional, incarnated, and academic, that can flow together and make room for action.   Sentimos that it is crucial to integrate a notion of "feelingthink" - feel/think - in what, with reference to Bell Hooks can be called "engaged cartography", that is, a cartography based on dialogue that engages and both "heart and mind".  Establishing a spatial perspective on the dialectical relationship between us humans and our environment, we understand collective mapping as a process of geographic literacy in daily life and space of action through dialogue, "mediated by the world". As popular educators, militant researchers, we fight for a collective horizontal production of knowledge through practical interventions and theoretical reflection from the perspective of an educating city.


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Author Biographies

Paul Schweizer, Universidade de Frankfurt

Geografo e pesquisador do Coletivo Orangotango

Orlando Coelho Barbosa, Centro Universitário FIEO

Doutor em Psicologia Educacional


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How to Cite

SCHWEIZER, Paul; COELHO BARBOSA, Orlando. Decolonizing cartographic languages - the construction of a cartography engaged. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 61, p. e21857, 2022. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n61.21857. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.



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