The pedagogy of alternation in rural education degree courses in the state of Goiás




rural education, training, PPP, community time, university time


The Degree Course in Rural Education aims to train sensitive teachers to act with respect for the experiences and expectations of rural life through an interdisciplinary process based on two formative spaces/time periods, according to the principle of Alternation. In this sense of Alternation, during University Time (TU) the undergraduates attend classes and other academic activities at the Higher Education Institution and during Community Time (TC) they work in rural communities to familiarize themselves with their future field of work, the rural population and the respective rural schools. The aim of this study is therefore to analyze how training through Alternation has been included in the Political Pedagogical Projects (PPP) of Degree Courses in Field Education/Nature Sciences in the state of Goiás. The data was constructed from the documentary analysis of the PPPs, which, in turn, were analyzed using the Textual Discourse Analysis methodology, defining categories as posteriori. Courses´ PPP presented as objectives to train teachers (Course graduates) of natural sciences who would be able to promote contact between rural students and scientific knowledge, based on valuing their culture and knowledge. Therefore, training through alternation has a lot to contribute to the training of rural teachers.



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Author Biographies

Renata José de Melo, Federal University of Catalao

Graduated in Field Education (2018), majoring in Natural Sciences at the Federal University of Goiás, Catalão Region. Fellow of the Institutional Scholarship Program for Scientific Initiation-Licenciatura (Prolicen). Member of the Extension and Research Center for Education and Development in the Countryside (Nepcampo). Subjects of interest: Rural education, natural sciences, youth, environmental education. Master's in Education (2023) from the Postgraduate Program (PPGEDUC) of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Catalão, area of Concentration Education. Line of Research: Reading, Education and Teaching of Mother Tongue and Natural Sciences. Fellow of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Goiás (Fapeg). Participates in the activities of the Study, Research and Extension Group on Science Teaching and Teacher Training GEPEEC of the Federal University of Catalão/UFCAT- CNPq

Fernanda Welter Adams, Universidade Federal da Bahia

PhD student in the Graduate Program in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Master's Degree in Education (2018) from the Graduate Program at the Federal University of Goiás/Regional Catalão. Specialist in Special Education - Emphasis on Assistive Technologies and Alternative Communication (2020). Specialist in “Chemistry Teaching Methodologies” (2015). Graduated in Chemistry (2014) from the Federal University of Goiás/Regional Catalão, where she was a PIBID Fellow, graduated in Pedagogy from the Samambaia Institute of Education and Higher Education (IESA) (2018), where she developed research on science teaching in early childhood education. Collaborator in the national program to promote equity in the training of basic education teachers Parfor-Equidade (Capes Notice No. 23/2023), Special Degree Course in Rural Education (Ledoc/Ufba). She works in the research group GEPEEC at UFCAT. She has experience as a teacher of primary and secondary education, secondary education, technical secondary education and higher education, as well as a pedagogical coordinator. Experience as a Pibid supervisor linked to IFGoiano/Campus Morrinhos. Dedicated to the study of Chemistry and Science teaching, Curriculum; Public Policies and Chemistry and Science Teacher Training, Supervised Internship and Special Education.


Simara Maria Tavares Nunes, Universidade Federal de Catalão

She holds a Licentiate and Bachelor's Degree (1995) in Chemistry, a Master's Degree (1999) and a PhD in Science (2003) - Chemistry Concentration Area - from the Ribeirão Preto School of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the University of São Paulo. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Catalão, in the area of Chemistry Teaching, working in the Degree in Field Education - majoring in Natural Sciences and in the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGEDUC), Member of the NDE - Field Education, Institutional Coordinator of Pibid (since 2022) and General Coordinator of Internships at UFCAT. She was Coordinator of the Degree Course in Field Education (2018-2022). Experience in teaching natural sciences, with an emphasis on teacher training. Vice-Leader/Founder of the Study, Research and Extension Group on Science Teaching and Teacher Training - GEPEEC/UFG. She works mainly on research and extension projects on the following themes: initial and continuing teacher training processes; pedagogical practices in the context of rural education; CTS (Science, Technology and Society) and CTSA (Science, Technology, Society and Environment) education; environmental education; science communication strategies; and the contribution of university extension to teacher training.



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How to Cite

MELO, Renata José de; ADAMS, Fernanda Welter; NUNES, Simara Maria Tavares. The pedagogy of alternation in rural education degree courses in the state of Goiás. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 72, p. e25986, 2025. DOI: 10.5585/2025.25986. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.



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