
a way to delight students and enrich pedagogical practice




storytelling, school, reading mediation, pedagogical practice


Storytelling contributes to the constitution of subjects, as it stimulates imagination, develops linguistic skills and promotes cultural values, empathy and understanding of the world. However, stimulating reading practices are still little explored at school. From this perspective, this qualitative and bibliographical research aims to discuss the importance of storytelling in teaching mediation and present, based on a literary work, ways for teachers to explore the moment with stories with more confidence and ease. The theoretical contribution of this study was based on discussions by Zilberman (2003, 2012), Colomer (2007) and Busatto (2003). As a result, it was found that storytelling strengthens the emotional bond between adults and children, providing moments of connection and learning, in addition to the fact that literary experiences can enhance classes and enrich pedagogical actions and be a great incentive to promote reading contributing to the human development of students.



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Author Biographies

Márcia Tatiana Funke Dieter, Universidade FEEVALE/Bolsista/CAPES/PROSUC

Márcia Tatiana Funke Dieter is a master's student on the Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion course at FEEVALE University, as a CAPES/PROSUC fellow, graduated in Literature from Unisinos University (2009), specializing in Children's and Young Adult Literature: from composition to literary education at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS), specialist in Culture and Literature from Barão de Mauá (SP), postgraduate degree in Visual Arts from FAVENI (ES). She was a teacher for 25 years in the municipalities of Ivoti and Lindolfo Collor in the municipal public network. She worked as a professor/researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in an Extension Course, also at Instituição Capacitar Polo São Leopoldo/RS and Igrejinha/RS in postgraduate courses. She worked as a school manager in the city of Lindolfo Collor / RS and as a municipal manager (Department of Culture) in the municipalities of Ivoti / RS and Lindolfo Collor / RS. She is a writer and storyteller, working across the state and country. She works as an editorial producer at Ateliê de Histórias Editora. She gives lectures to teachers and parents. Participates in the Research Group on Reading, Literacy, Technology and Social Inclusion - LLETIS - at FEEVALE University and in the Language and Literature Observatory Research Group at the University of Caxias do Sul - OLLI at the University of Caxias do Sul. He has long experience in education : early childhood education, basic and postgraduate education, and researches especially the following topics: reading and reader training; children's literature; literature-diversity-inclusion; storytelling; teacher training.

Jéssica Maís Antunes, Universidade FEEVALE/Bolsista/CAPES/PROSUC

Jéssica Maís Antunes is a doctoral candidate on the Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion course at Feevale University as a CAPES fellow; Master in Literature from Feevale University (2020); Graduated in Pedagogy Full Degree from the Federal University of Pampa (2014); graduated in Literature/Portuguese from Centro Universitário Ítalo Brasileiro (2022) and; Specialist in Media in Education from the Federal University of Pelotas (2016). She is currently an early childhood education teacher in the municipality of Campo Bom / RS; participates in the Research Group on Reading, Literacy, Technologies and Social Inclusion - LLETIS, at Feevale University and; She is a member of the Mentoring Program team for basic education teachers in an inclusion context, at Feevale University.

Lovani Volmer, Universidade FEEVALE

He has a degree in Literature - Portuguese/German, from Unisinos (1994), and in Pedagogy, from Centro Universitário Ítalo-Brasileiro (2021). She has a postgraduate degree in Educational Informatics, from Feevale (2001), in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy and in Clinical and Institutional Neuropsychopedagogy, from Faculdade Metropolitana do Estado de São Paulo (2021), and in Mentored Teacher Education Program, from Tampere University of Finland (2023). She has a master's degree in Literature, emphasis on Reading and Cognition, from UNISC (2008), and a PhD in Literature, emphasis on Reading and Languages, from UCS / Uniritter (2015). She is a professor at Feevale University, where she was previously pedagogical director of the Feevale School of Basic Education-Escola de Aplicação. She is currently a professor in undergraduate courses in Literature and Pedagogy, working in the extension project "Jovem Aprendiz Feevale" and in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion. She is the coordinator of undergraduate courses in Visual Arts - bachelor's degree (in-person and digital) and bachelor's degree and Literature (in-person and digital). She is deputy leader of the Reading and Literature Observatory Group-OLLI, registered with CNPq. She has extensive experience in basic education, both teaching and management, and in continuing teacher training. She particularly researches the following topics: literacy and literacy; reading and literacy; reading and reader training; reading literary text in the school context; PNBE; school management; teacher training; inclusion.


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How to Cite

DIETER, Márcia Tatiana Funke; ANTUNES, Jéssica Maís; VOLMER, Lovani. Storytelling: a way to delight students and enrich pedagogical practice. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 69, p. e26379, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n69.26379. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Dossiê 69 - Educação e Literatura