The insertion of the executive secretariat in higher education teaching: analysis of professor academic education




didactic and pedagogical training, executive secretariat, higher education, teaching


In the Executive Secretariat graduation, there are several professors who teach disciplines in a specific area of this graduation and, these, generally, are graduates of the Secretariat course. Therefore, we consider it relevant that these professors present not only technical knowledge in the area in question, that is, empirical, but allied to these, they also have some type of didactic-pedagogical training, with the aim of associating technical knowledge with pedagogical skills. That said, we carried out a survey to observe if the professors of this graduation have some kind of specialization focused on Teaching in Higher Education. We describe, therefore, in which areas of study the postgraduate courses of some Executive Secretariat professors surveyed here, in different regions of Brazil, were developed, aiming to elaborate the profile of these professionals. The methodology used for elaborating this study is based on bibliographical and documental research. After analyzing our data, we observed that there are few Executive Secretariat professors, who have some type of specialization focused on Teaching in Higher Education, considering the surveyed Universities. With this research, we aim to conduct debates about the relevance of promoting the formation of Executive Secretariat students also focused on the area of Teaching in Higher Education, considering that this is one of the countless possibilities of acting in the labor market for this future professional.



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Author Biographies

Adriane dos Santos Zanoni, Paraná State University

Postgraduate in Executive Education and Organizational Analysis from Centro Universitário de Maringá - UNICESUMAR (2022). Bachelor's degree in Trilingual Executive Secretariat from Paraná State University - UNESPAR (2019). Certified Executive Secretary, registered under number 0002552/PR.

Larissa Silva de Lima, Paraná State University

Graduated in Trilingual Executive Secretariat from the State University of Paraná - UNESPAR (2019). Head of the Human Resources Division of the Municipality of Ouro Fino/MG.

Andreia Cristina Roder Carmona Ramires, Paraná State University

Assistant Professor at the State University of Paraná (UNESPAR) – Apucarana Campus. Holds a degree in Portuguese and Spanish Language and Literature from the State University of Londrina (2002). Completed a postgraduate program in 2004. Earned a Master's degree in Literature from the Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE) in 2006. Completed a Ph.D. in 2015 at the State University of Londrina (Language Studies program), with a doctoral research internship at the University of Salamanca, Spain, funded by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel). Author of Léxico, Cultura e História: uma análise de vozes da Espanha ditatorial, and a member of the Research Group Lexical Studies: Description and Teaching (UNESP), conducting research in the areas of Sociolinguistics, Lexicology, and Spanish Language Teaching for Specific Purposes.


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How to Cite

ZANONI, Adriane dos Santos; LIMA, Larissa Silva de; RAMIRES, Andreia Cristina Roder Carmona. The insertion of the executive secretariat in higher education teaching: analysis of professor academic education. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 72, p. e26669, 2025. DOI: 10.5585/2025.26669. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 mar. 2025.



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