Application and comparison of multi-criteria decision support methods: AHP, TODIM and PROMETHEE II
Multi-criteria methods. AHP. TODIM. PROMETHEE II.Abstract
One of the criticisms about multi-criteria methods is that different techniques could produce discordant results when applied to the same problem. In this context, the aim of this research is to compare the methods of multiple-criteria decision making AHP, TODIM and PROMETHEE II. To achieve this goal, the methods were applied to a software selection process through seven qualified suppliers. In addition to verifying and comparing the consistency of the results, using groups with 3, 7 and 11 criteria, this study also presents a perception of the applicability, complexity, and laborability required of the user regarding to the execution of the methods. Although the three methods are based on different paradigms, the application methodology allowed the identification of individual characteristics and positive and negative points of one method over the other. With respect to the consistency of the results, it was verified the occurrence of some inversions in the order of classification of the suppliers.Downloads
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