Level of collaboration and knowledge transfer among actors of the innovation ecosystem: the proposition of an analytical model
Knowledge management, Innovation ecosystem, Knowledge transfer, Level of collaboration.Abstract
Objective of the study: This study aimed to investigate how collaboration between actors in the innovation ecosystem is related to the transfer of knowledge between institutions.
Methodology/Approach: The study units were the innovation hubs of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology in Brazil accredited by Embrapii. The methodological approach of the research was qualitative; the method employed was the multiple-case study; the data collection was conducted through semistructured interviews with representatives from academia, company, government, and society; and the results were obtained via content analysis.
Originality/Relevance: Based on the findings of this research, it was possible to elaborate an analytical model to relate the level of collaboration and transfer of knowledge between agents of the innovation ecosystem.
Main Results: The main results indicated that the collaboration between the actors was related to the transfer of knowledge through the creation and expansion of the established partnerships as well as the management of the facilitators and difficulty of this relationship.
Theoretical/ Methodological Contributions: The theoretical contribution was the proposition of an integrated analytical model of collaborative relations and knowledge transfer between members of the innovation ecosystem.
Management/Social Contributions: The managerial contribution of the study was the identification of key aspects to improve the collaborative relationship between the actors of the innovation and knowledge transfer ecosystem. The social contribution consists of the possibility of collaboration expansion and knowledge transfer by enhancing the facilitating factors and minimizing the difficulties identified in the researched innovation ecosystems.
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