Networks to promote collaboration on the front end of innovation: a systematic literature review
Collaboration, Front end of innovation, Networks, Entrepreneurship.Abstract
Objective: Based on international scientific literature, the research seeks to understand the interface between the subjects of networks, collaborations, and the front end of innovation (FEI).
Methodology/approach: Two systematic reviews were carried out, seeking articles published from 2010 onward in the EBSCO, Scopus, and Web of Science databases.
Originality/Relevance: The article contributes to studies within the themes of networks, especially focused on collaboration that support the front end of innovation. The research was limited to understanding networks in the context of entrepreneurship. Therefore, there is opportunity for future analysis in other contexts.
Main results: The study selected 49 articles published from 2010 onward, revealing complementarity within the fields studied.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The articles that discuss the context of collaboration in the front end of innovation address topics that are interconnected, such as “social networks,” “theory of knowledge,” and “open innovation.”
Social/management contributions: It was possible to identify elements that influence a network, such as the region’s cultural and material structure, and aspects regarding the relationships established in the network, particularly individual predispositions and the strength of the ties.
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