Chinese technology: a study of the image and the desire for possession, using the technology readiness index – TRI scale




Technology Readiness Index Scale (TRI), Chinese technology, Possession desire, Image.


Objective: This article intends to measure the readiness of Brazilian consumers to adopt products based on Chinese technology, using the Technology Readiness Index - TRI scale.

Originality/Relevance: The importance of the image of new technological products and services has resulted in debates and discussions in academic and executive circles. However, there are still gaps, where the need to identify and characterize the importance of image to encourage ownership of Chinese products can present innovative nuances in the knowledge of the subject.

Methodology/approach: A survey was carried out with 865 consumers of Chinese products in Brazil, evaluating the instrument used based on statistical procedures.

Main results: This study allowed evaluating the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) model and its applicability in the analysis of consumer readiness for Chinese products. The constructs and variables showed consistency, with six confirmed and three unconfirmed hypotheses. Innovativeness, Optimism, Insecurity and Insecurity are important emotional states to characterize Explorer, Pioneer, Skeptical, Paranoid and Laggard consumers.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: The study enabled the identification of consumer behavior in the use of products based on Chinese technology. The Technology Readiness Index (TRI) has proven to be an important model for measuring technology readiness in different contexts.

Social/Management Contributions: The validation of the model allows its use in corporations of different sizes and different types of products and services.


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Author Biographies

Jose Edson Lara, Autonomous University of Barcelona – UAB

PhD in Business Economics, by Autonomous University of Barcelona

MS in Business Admnistration, by Getulio Vargas Foundation - São Paulo - Brazil

Professor and Researcher in Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

Former Professor at Federal University of Minas Gerais


Amynthas Cristiano Novaes, Fundação Pedro Leopoldo – FPL

MS in Business Administration, by Fundação Pedro Leopoldo

MBA in Production Engineering 

MBA in Logistics

MBA in Project Management

Graduation in Business Administration

Bruno Pelizzaro Dias Afonso, FUMEC University

Dr. in Business Administration, by FUMEC University
MS in Business Administration, by Pedro Leopoldo Foundation
Graduation Degree in Business Administration, by Federal University of Minas Gerais

Thalles Augusto Tissot-Lara, Catholic University of Minas Gerais

Graduation in Mechanics Engineeering, by Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais

Business Analyst


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How to Cite

Lara, J. E., Novaes, A. C., Afonso, B. P. D., & Tissot-Lara, T. A. (2022). Chinese technology: a study of the image and the desire for possession, using the technology readiness index – TRI scale. International Journal of Innovation, 10(4), 638–665.




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