The effect of dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial decision-making on the engagement of startups in public policies for innovation and entrepreneurship




dynamic capabilities, public innovation policies, knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship


Study objective: This research sought to understand and identify the effect of dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial decision-making in the engagement of knowledge-intensive companies in a regional public policy to foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

Methodology / approach: To achieve this objective, forty-six questionnaires were applied to startups participating in a regional public policy to foster innovation. The results were treated through Factor Analysis and ANOVA.

Originality / Relevance: This research seeks to contribute to the literature by seeking to understand how dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial decision-making impact the engagement of knowledge-intensive companies in a regional public policy to foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

Main results: It was possible to conclude that, after participating in the regional innovation public policy, the startups with greater engagement were influenced by their levels of entrepreneurial decision-making and by their global capacity to innovate: i) Causation & Effectuation and ii) Innovative Capacity.

Theoretical-methodological contributions: The study conducts research in a program to foster innovation at the regional level, seeking to understand how dynamic capabilities impact the development of startups and companies that participated in this program.

Managerial / social contributions: These results point to the fact that startups that developed their entrepreneurial skills more, notably in decisions related to balancing the risks of the innovative process and that focused on their general capabilities to innovate, were more engaged in the journey proposed for them. by the public policy studied.



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Author Biographies

Brenno Buarque, Graduate Program in Management at the State University of Ceará / Fortaleza - CE

PhD Candidate in Business Management at the Graduate Program in Business Management at the State University of Ceará

Samuel Façanha Câmara, Graduate Program in Management at the State University of Ceará / Fortaleza - CE

Adjunct Professor of the Graduate Program in Management at the State University of Ceará

José Glauco Paula Pinto, State University of Ceará / Fortaleza - CE

Administrator, Campus Mayor of the Federal University of Ceará in Quixadá. Master’s in Business Management at the Graduate Program in Business Administration at the State University of Ceará

José Iran Batista de Melo, Graduate Program in Management at the State University of Ceará / Fortaleza - CE

PhD student in Business Management at the Graduate Program in Business Management at the State University of Ceará


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How to Cite

Buarque, B., Câmara, S. F., Pinto, J. G. P., & de Melo, J. I. B. (2023). The effect of dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial decision-making on the engagement of startups in public policies for innovation and entrepreneurship. International Journal of Innovation, 11(1).




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