Patent bases as a source of technological information in the Engineering area I: evidence from brazilian specialists




patents, survey, stricto sensu postgraduate studies, technological information, Engineering I


Objective: to identify researchers' perception of knowledge about using technological information in patent databases as a source for developing academic research (scientific and technological).

Method: This study surveyed 43 stricto sensu postgraduate programs in Brazil in the Engineering I area, Sanitary Engineering subarea of CAPES.

Originality/Relevance: Much of the technological information available in the world appears only in patent documents, and the originality of this study consists of identifying the use of such information by researchers. Thus, showing the application of this knowledge in academic research can take them to another level of knowledge.

Results: We identified that only 33% of researchers use patent bases as a source of technological information; more than 65% of searches focus on verifying the possibility of patenting. We found that such information is not applied in academic research, with ample space for disseminating and applying such knowledge.

Social/Management Contributions: Expanding the use of technological information will enable academic production to use the most recent technology, products, or processes in the world. From a managerial point of view and the identification of the low use of patent bases, it was observed that there is a need to develop a method or tool that will make the use of patents more user-friendly as a source of technological information.


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Author Biographies

Isabel Grunevald, Faculdade Dom Alberto

PhD in Environmental Technology, Master in Law. Dom Alberto College. Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil

Liane Mahlmann Kipper, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

PhD in Production Engineering. Graduate Program in Environmental Technology, University of Santa Cruz do Sul. Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil

Jorge Andre Ribas Moraes, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul

PhD in Production Engineering. Graduate Program in Environmental Technology, University of Santa Cruz do Sul. Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul – Brazil


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How to Cite

Grunevald, I., Kipper, L. M., & Moraes, J. A. R. (2024). Patent bases as a source of technological information in the Engineering area I: evidence from brazilian specialists. International Journal of Innovation, 12(2), e24420.



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