Emerging innovative technologies for environmental revolution: a technological forecasting perspective
emerging technologies, innovative technologies, environmental revolution, sustainability, technological forecastingAbstract
Objective of the Study: This study aims to identify emerging technologies with transformative potential to achieve environmental protection and foster a sustainable future.
Methodology/Approach: Utilizing technological forecasting models, the study explores and evaluates various advanced technologies, including clean steel production techniques, green hydrogen, cellular agriculture, and blockchain technology, to assess their capacity for environmental impact reduction.
Originality/Relevance: The study presents an interdisciplinary approach that bridges technological forecasting, environmental science, and policy analysis. It highlights the significance of these technologies in mitigating environmental degradation and promoting sustainability, offering practical insights for stakeholders and policymakers.
Main Results: The research identifies several promising technologies, such as offshore wind turbines, carbon capture and storage, clean steel production techniques, green hydrogen, cellular agriculture, and blockchain technology, that have the potential to significantly reduce environmental impact and support sustainable development.
Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: This study contributes to the literature on sustainability and innovation by offering a comprehensive evaluation of emerging technologies. It provides a methodological framework for integrating technological advancements into environmental protection strategies.
Social/Management Contributions: The findings equip policymakers with a roadmap of technological advancements, facilitating informed decision-making aimed at creating a future characterized by minimal environmental degradation. The study addresses the urgent need for innovative solutions to environmental challenges and guides the transition towards a more sustainable society.
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