The image of Brazil: a quantitative study from the prespective of latin american consumers


  • Daisy Carmen Sarzuri Ayala University of Sao Paulo
  • Caroline Miranda Correa UNESP - São Paulo State University
  • Edgard Monforte Merlo University of Sao Paulo
  • Dirceu da Silva UNICAMP - University of Campinas
  • Sergio Silva Braga Junior UNESP - São Paulo State University



Consumers, Country image, Brazil´s image.


Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate the dimensions that make up the image of Brazil, specifically in Latin America.

Method: A quantitative exploratory research has been carried out through a survey with a sample of 1617 respondents of Mexican, Argentinean, Ecuadorian and Bolivian nationality. Data analysis has been performed using structural equation modeling using SmartPLS 2.0 M3 software.

Originality/Relevance: The originality of this study is to evaluate the perception of Latin American for the image of Brazil since studies of this type have not yet performed. Thus, the research contributes with an interdisciplinary study whose scale and similar studies can use methodology.

Results: The results of the study confirmed that the Brazilian image could be analyzed by a combination of the cognitive, affective and conative components. Since cognitive was the most strongly identified component, based principally on beliefs related to politics, people in the country, socio-environmental aspects, economy, innovation and culture in Brazil.

Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: The methodology of data analysis used reinforces how much the Modeling by Structural Equations can contribute to the development of the theory related to the image of a country. As for the theoretical advance, it was possible to observe the importance of studies on the subject.

Social/Management contributions: The main contribution of this study is the possibility of companies using these results in the direction of efforts in marketing campaigns and image of products for the external or internal market.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Daisy Carmen Sarzuri Ayala, University of Sao Paulo

Graduada em Administração, Mestre em Negócio e Comércio Internacional pela Universidad Privada Boliviana e Doutora em Administração de Organizações pela FEARP/USP. 

Caroline Miranda Correa, UNESP - São Paulo State University

Graduada em Administração e Mestranda em Agronegócio e Desenvolvimento pela UNESP/FCE/Tupã

Edgard Monforte Merlo, University of Sao Paulo

Graduado e Mestre em Economia e Doutor em Admintração pela USP.

Dirceu da Silva, UNICAMP - University of Campinas

Graduado e Mestre em Fisica e Doutor em Educação pela USP.

Sergio Silva Braga Junior, UNESP - São Paulo State University

Doutor em Administração pela Universidade Nove de Julho. Mestre em Administração de Organizações pela FEARP/USP e graduado em Administração. Professor Assistente Doutor da UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista do Campus de Tupã, no curso de Administração de Empresas. Pesquisador na área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas em assuntos ligados ao Comportamento do Consumidor para Produtos Verdes no Varejo e Logística Reversa no Varejo.




Como Citar

Ayala, D. C. S., Correa, C. M., Merlo, E. M., Silva, D. da, & Braga Junior, S. S. (2019). The image of Brazil: a quantitative study from the prespective of latin american consumers. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 18(3), 53–72.



  • Resumo 364
  • PDF (English) 256