The Influence of Home Country on the Known Brands of Choice: An Investigation about Materials Mark Attributes of Sports


  • Franklin de Souza Meirelles ESPM
  • Vivian Iara Strehlau ESPM
  • Evandro Luiz Lopes UNINOVE



Country of Origin, Brand attributes, Consumer behavior, Sponsorship


This paper presents an analysis about Country of Origin effect occurring together with other brand attributes, such as brand elements (i.e. Brand Name and Brand Logo), company longevity and sponsorship as marketing and advertisement tool. Using an unknown foreign sports material brand as object of study, an online experiment with Brazilian consumers was realized in order to understand how these attributes influence purchase intention, attitude and perceived quality by the public. Country of Origin influenced decision variables partially and the other attributes were considered irrelevant, wherein consumer involvement assumed a role of moderator, reducing the Country of Origin effect towards consumer choices.


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How to Cite

Meirelles, F. de S., Strehlau, V. I., & Lopes, E. L. (2016). The Influence of Home Country on the Known Brands of Choice: An Investigation about Materials Mark Attributes of Sports. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 15(1), 57–70.