The Influence of Sport Sponsorship Considering Attitude on Brands


  • Carlos Eugênio Zardini Filho Ministério do Esporte



sports sponsorship, sports marketing, attitude.


According to Mason (2005), sports sponsorship is characterized for increasing the frequency of exposure of marketing messages and has a major impact on consumer’s attitude. This project aims to identify whether sports sponsorship is able to favorably modify the affective aspect of attitude towards a brand, even from a negative scenario around the brand. We used an experimental model as a method, repeated measures, with a questionnaire in which participants evaluated, on scales, different statements after the insertion of contexts related to sports sponsorship activities. Considering the descriptive and statistics analysis performed, the proposed experiment allows the understanding that sports sponsorship can favorably alter affective elements of the attitude in consumers. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that macro sports marketing strategies are most effective than specific actions in order to get attitude change. In this sense, a communication planning, integrating football and other Olympic sports, is probably to create an ideal environment for positives feelings linked to the nature of the sport that can overcome the limits of negative scenarios and might result in favorable attitudes towards a particular company/brand.


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How to Cite

Zardini Filho, C. E. (2017). The Influence of Sport Sponsorship Considering Attitude on Brands. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 16(2), 194–206.