Pre-Processing of Brands Versus Attentional: A Test of the Differences in the Registry of Stimulus by Individuals
brand processing, process of attention, pre-attention, information registry.Abstract
Due to limited capacity of cognitive resources and to the saturation context of stimuli, becomes probably that a lot of available stimulus in the ambient don´t be actively processed, in a conscious manner, but yes unconsciously, at the preattentive level. Despite of the importance of preattentive processing, are few the studies that address and discuss its implications and function on stimuli reception. In the light of the above, the study has with aim to compare the preattentive and attentive processing in terms of advertiser brand registry, testing, for that, the implicit and explicit memory of individuals and their brand valuation. Methodologically, the study proceeded, initially, to the bibliographic survey, focusing on the follow conceptual bases: the attention process under a complex perspective, subdivided into preattention and attention, and the information registry in light of the processing level. Supported by the bibliographic survey, the study adopted the hypothetical-deduvito method, with the development of a experiment 2 (preattention x attention) x 2 (magazine show in slide x impress).As contribution, the study support the traced hypotheses: large incidence of explicit memory of advertiser brands in attentive processing; implicit memory found in both processing; brand valuation effects higher when the preattentive processing happened, instead of when did attentive processing. The results find reinforce the theory about the registry differences according with the attention used on processing, highlighting, yet, the superiority of impress media and preattentive processing in the individual influence capacity.Downloads
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How to Cite
Andreoli, T. P., Veloso, A. R., & Batista, L. L. (2013). Pre-Processing of Brands Versus Attentional: A Test of the Differences in the Registry of Stimulus by Individuals. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 12(4), 01–26.
- Abstract 405
- PDF (Português (Brasil)) 153