Possible Regulatory Actions for Greenwashing and its Different Influences on Brand Evaluation and Consumer Judgment
Green marketing, Greenwashing, Regulatory actions, Influence on the consumerAbstract
Objective: To analyze the influence of two possible regulatory actions, - performance of the National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (CONAR – Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária) and educational information, on greenwashing in consumers’ responses, specifically in the evaluation of the brand and in the judgment of this practice.
Method: Hypothetical-deductive approach, with two face-to-face sequential experiments, both with a factorial design 2 (packaging before and after the action of CONAR) with information material present or not. The first had 122 respondents and eye tracking assistance, while the second obtained 163 participants.
Originality / Relevance: The theme of greenwashing is scarcely investigated, particularly regarding its consequences for consumers and less so, using an experimental methodological procedure. The study is a pioneer in the selection of independent and dependent variables, as well as the use of eye tracker.
Results: The influences of consumer information education and CONAR action were identified in the brand evaluation but were not significantly present on the consumers’ judgment about the practice of greenwashing.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: Theoretical progress in the study of the phenomenon of greenwashing, including aggregating pioneering empirical evidence to combat this growing practice.
Social / management contributions: Illustration of the respondents’ lack of critical sense regarding the practice of greenwashing, which can coincide with their growing adoption by organizations. Additionally, we discuss possible actions to combat this alarming scenario, with indications of effective ways to do so.
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