Does political candidate’s brand have influence on voting intention?




Political Marketing; Voting intention; Candidate’s Brand; Candidate image; Political Candidate


Objective: To identify antecedents of the evaluation of the political candidate's brand and verify its effects on the voter's intention to vote.

Method: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional survey was carried out. In the sample, 610 respondents were counted. Data were analyzed using the technique of structural equation modeling, with the partial least squares method. The research was structured based on the constructs: voting intention; evaluation of the candidate's brand; candidate's image; candidate's reputation; candidate's credibility.

Results: Results: it was inferred that the latent variables: candidate's image, candidate's reputation and candidate's credibility, produce positive and significant effects in the evaluation of the candidate's brand. In addition, it was observed that the evaluation of the candidate's brand had a positive effect on voting intention.

Theoretical/methodological  contributions: Theoretically contributes with the addition of the Candidate Reputation and Candidate Credibility variables as predecessors to Brand Assessment and, consequently, as mechanisms capable of influencing voters' decisions. Therefore, with the proposed model, the objective was to base and build campaign strategies for political marketing professionals.

Managerial implications: In the study, we sought to analyze the candidate for politician from the concept of brand, highlighting the importance of credibility and brand evaluation for the latent value of the brand of the candidate for politician. We sought to highlight how these factors can affect voting intention and, therefore, highlight the ways that can contribute to greater competitiveness and cost mitigation in the process of electoral campaigns in the Brazilian scope.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Daniel Carvalho de Freitas, Fucape Business School

Mestre em Administração

Gercione Dionizio Silva, Fucape Business School

Doutor em Economia Aplicada


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How to Cite

Freitas, C. D. C. de, & Silva, G. D. (2023). Does political candidate’s brand have influence on voting intention?. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 22(5), 2081–2132.