Drivers of sales performance in Brazil: a meta-analysis




Performance, Sales, Drivers, Meta-analysis, Brazil


Objective: This study aimed to synthesize the literature on drivers of sales in Brazilian samples and outline an overview of sales success compared to the international context.

Methodology (approach used): This study was conducted via a meta-analysis integrating the findings of the literature on sales. By searching the main scientific databases, 51 articles were retrieved, with 65 studies, 518 sales performance determinants in Brazil, and a total sample of 10,883 salespeople. Determinants were divided into aptitudes, psychosocial factors, motivation, personal factors, skills, strategic activities, and internal and external environment. Their effects were calculated via Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) and Meta-Essentials. Contextual, demographic, and methodological moderators were inserted to control for effects.

Main results: Results showed that salesmanship skills, work engagement, aptitudes, internal culture, and cognitive choices are the main performance determinants in Brazil. Moderators indicated differences in effects among sectors, contexts, types of measurements, and types of publications.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: This research contributes to the literature by highlighting salesmanship skills, aptitudes, and relational aspects as the main determinants of sales performance in Brazil to the detriment of determinants disseminated in international research. Analysis of the moderators methodologically contributes with suggestions to increase rigor of further research on sales in Brazil.

Originality/Relevance: This study innovates by identifying and comparing sales determinants in Brazil with results widely disseminated in the international literature.

Implications for management or society: This study suggests that the management of sales teams consider the idiosyncrasies of Brazilian culture, such as, for example, the importance of salespeople developing presentation, argumentation, and persuasion skills to close sales.


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Author Biographies

Juliano Domingues da Silva, State University of Maringá – UEM

PhD in Administration

Letícia Fernandes de Negreiros, State University of the North of Paraná – UENP

PhD in Administration

Valter da Silva Faia, State University of Maringá – UEM

PhD in Administration


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How to Cite

da Silva, J. D., de Negreiros, L. F., & Faia, V. da S. (2023). Drivers of sales performance in Brazil: a meta-analysis. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(5), 1787–1844.

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