Conceptualizing organizational diversity façade through an integrative theoretical framework: a systematic review




DEI, Bluewashing, Diversity Washing, Corporate Activism, Woke Washing


Objective: This study aims to conceptualize Organizational Diversity Façade (DF), and its main dimensions through an integrative theoretical framework.

Methodology/Approach: to conceptualize DF a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method was used to analyze the international scientific production on WOS, and SCOPUS databases, between 2011, and 2022, with 52 articles related to false organizational discourses about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

Results: DF (provided by Tokenism) is composed of: 1) internal policies, and processes proforma that would favor the DEI) the so-called Administrative or Internal DF; 2) the conveyance of the DEI in the external communication efforts without ballast, the so-called Communicational or External DF, composed by: 1) Marketing DF when it stimulates the consumption of goods, 2) Institutional DF when it builds or maintains a positive organizational appearance.

Theoretical/methodological contributions: a clear, and up-to-date panorama, a common nomenclature, and theoretical framework about DF that contributes to the appropriation, and consolidation of the research field, and allows guiding communication, and marketing performance to align its communicational efforts in favor of DEI in a coherent, responsible, more effective way, avoiding financial loss, negative media coverage, stakeholder skepticism, and escalating tensions among minority groups.

Relevance/Originality: The theoretical approach combining Façade Theory, and Tokenism contributed to an interdisciplinary theoretical framework that integrates organizational communication phenomena that are distinct and have different nomenclatures but are equally interconnected in the construction of the DF.



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Author Biographies

Roberto Santos, Universidade de Sao Paulo e Fatec

Doutorando em Ciências Sociais 

Valmir Martins de Oliveira, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, autonoma

Doutorado em Estudos Americanos - Especialidade Estudos Internacionais


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How to Cite

Santos, R., & Oliveira, V. M. de. (2025). Conceptualizing organizational diversity façade through an integrative theoretical framework: a systematic review. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 24(1), 305–333.
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