Pinkwashing: the false pro-LGBTQIAP+ discourse and the consumer




False market discourses, Pinkwashing, LGBTQIAP+, Consumer behavior


Objective: The study aimed to analyze consumer behavior in response to the practice of pinkwashing, understanding it both in implicit terms (eye tracking, association, and skin conductance) and explicit terms (self-reported data).

Method: A hypothetical-deductive approach was adopted, conducted through three subsequent experiments, all comparing two advertising campaigns, one characterized as pinkwashing and the other neutral: the first two involved implicit data collection and exploratory character, using eye tracking and implicit association/attitude (n=21), followed by skin conductance (n=20), and the last one involved self-reported data collection and an explanatory character (n=81).

Results: The piece characterized as pinkwashing showed better performance in terms of visual behavior and attention, eliciting a stronger emotional reaction to the advertisement. An uncritical judgment was observed regarding market communications with a pro-LGBTIAP+ cause, along with a limited ability to detect the practice of pinkwashing. Despite this, the monitoring of negative repercussion increased consumer criticality, reducing the influence of pinkwashing.

Conclusions: The ability of pinkwashing to influence consumer behavior was confirmed, contributing to significant empirical evidence supporting the current alarming trend of the proliferation of false market discourses.



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Author Biographies

Taís Pasquotto Andreoli, Federal University of São Paulo

Pós-doutorado em Comunicação (USP)

Gledeson Frankly da Silva Ribeiro, Federal University of São Paulo

Graduado em Administração

Diogo Kawano, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais

Professor de Comunicação no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais - IFSULDEMINAS

Julia Lopes Ferreira, Federal University of São Paulo

Graduanda em Administração 


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How to Cite

Andreoli, T. P., Ribeiro, G. F. da S., Kawano, D., & Ferreira, J. L. (2025). Pinkwashing: the false pro-LGBTQIAP+ discourse and the consumer. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 24(1), 334–386.
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