Sales promotion and the purchasing behavior of food consumers


  • Joselita Pancine Vigna Fucape
  • Emerson Wagner Mainardes FUCAPE


Palabras clave:

Consumer purchasing behavior, Sales promotion, Food sector.


Purpose:  This study aims to identify the types of sales promotion that affect the consumer’s purchasing behavior.

Design/Methodology/Approach: We conducted a survey with a sample of 235 people who reported having made food purchases due to promotional stimulus. Relationships between variables were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a multiple linear regression model.

Originality/Value: This study seeks to understand the influence of sales promotions on consumer purchasing behavior in an emerging market. Past research has explored such behavior in mature markets. We opted to broaden discussions on sales promotion by studying the effect of usual types of promotions in the Brazilian market.

Outcomes: The results showed that discounts motivate the acceleration of purchases, stocking and experimentation. Free samples encourage consumers to try a product they do not know about. This suggests that discounts, free samples, and prize draws all influence consumer purchasing behavior, encouraging their preference for foods that are on sale and motivating the frequency of purchased foods that use these types of promotion.

Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: The study contributed theoretically by investigating different promotional types from those already investigated, observing: the promotional types that can influence, generate preference and motivate the frequency of purchase of products promoted by Brazilian consumers; stocking, purchase acceleration, product choice and brand loyalty behaviors, which can change the choice of a promotional type in a promotional campaign.





Cómo citar

Vigna, J. P., & Mainardes, E. W. (2019). Sales promotion and the purchasing behavior of food consumers. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 18(3), 101–126.


