Psychopedagogical evaluation and intervention: a case study of a school-age child with dyslexia hypothesis
psychopedagogical evaluation, learning difficulties, dyslexia, psychopedagogical interventionAbstract
Dyslexia is a neurobiological disorder that compromises reading and writing skills and reverberates throughout the entire life of the dyslexic person. This article discusses the case of a male 8-year-and-4-months-old child enrolled in the third year of primary school, with a dyslexia hypothesis. The study aimed to present the importance of psychopedagogical assessment and intervention during the dyslexia recovery process. This article had a qualitative research approach, and it was developed through a descriptive study. From the psychopedagogical assessment performed, there was a reduction in the effects of the disorder, and the child displayed significant improvement in his reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. This study demonstrated the importance of psychopedagogical assessment and intervention in the dyslexia recovery case.
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