Multicultural curriculum as an instrument for the empowerment of maroon schools


  • Marcio Antonio Raiol Santos Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Carlos Afonso Ferreira Santos Universidade Federal do Pará



Empowerment. Maroon Education. Multicultural curriculum.


This article presents a discussion about a multicultural curriculum, and its potential as a tool of empowerment of the subjects that compile maroon education. This is a theoretical re-search, with the objective of discussing interconnected notions about empowerment, Ma-roon School Education and a multicultural curriculum. The study exposes the necessity of the subjects involved with the Maroon School Education to organize themselves in favor of pedagogical constructions that glimpse historical, political and cultural aspects of the communities that are in danger due to a official curriculum. In conclusion, the empower-ment presents itself as a mediating attitude of the actions of the groups with a view to their autonomy and that, therefore, a multicultural curriculum manifests itself as a strengthening instrument in the educational context of the maroons.


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Author Biographies

Marcio Antonio Raiol Santos, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba.
Professor Titular da Universidade Federal do Pará. Pará – PA – Brasil

Carlos Afonso Ferreira Santos, Universidade Federal do Pará

Graduando em Licenciatura em Educação Física pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Bolsis-ta de Iniciação Científica do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PI-BIC/UFPA EBTT).
Pará – PA – Brasil



How to Cite

SANTOS, Marcio Antonio Raiol; SANTOS, Carlos Afonso Ferreira. Multicultural curriculum as an instrument for the empowerment of maroon schools. Cadernos de Pós-graduação, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 55–74, 2018. DOI: 10.5585/cpg.v17n2.8436. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.



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