The possibilities of the aesthetic look of affect: the complex look project
Communication, Education, Aesthetics, Photography, Violence.Abstract
This article presents the Complex Look project, created and directed by Photographer Bruno Itan, as a possibility of the aesthetic look of affect, a technique developed during the doctoral course in Law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGD/UFRJ), which sought to offer an alternative to face violence in Rio de Janeiro, based on the hypothesis that this violence reflects a circular dynamic of communication, being possible to change it through the perceptual experience. It is the possibility of transforming the communicative pattern in a city whose projection of labeled images establishes a permanent flow of manifestations of violence between two territories, between slum and asphalt. A technique that aims not only to make visible the forms of this violence, but to change the perception of what is communicated as violence, having as methodological reference the Phenomenology of Perception, by Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The photographic experience can be the medium of this technique that “makes you see” and “makes you act on”, allowing the reterritorialization of the city and its relations.
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