Animality poétics in visual arts and literature: potential for others relations of alterity in education
Animality, Alterity, Visual arts, Literature, Education.Abstract
This article presents relations between animals, visual arts and literature as a power to think about other relations of alterity in education, based on a dialogue between fields of art and literature that discomfort certain truths about how to relate to other human animals or not. These items are linked to the concept of Animality Poétics, which will give shape and life to a dialog between ethical-aesthetical provocations of certain works from the visual artist Ana Teresa Barboza, as well as in writter Clarice Lispector’s work. In order to develop this research in education that talks to the field of visual arts and literature, Derrida (2002; 2004; 2016) and Skliar (2014) are theoretical partners.
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