Epistemology of the Homeland Earth for a new planetary citizenship





planetary citizenship, epistemology, complex thinking, Homeland Earth.


This article aims to reflect on the concept of Homeland Earth, from the eponymous book by Edgar Morin and Anne-Brigitte Kern, considering the epistemology of the complexity, which brings about a change in thinking – from linear to complex – for the reintegration of scientific culture and humanistic culture. This perspective points to a new worldview, a new ethical pact for civilization, founded not only on illustrated reason, but also on human sensibility and emotional intelligence that are expressed through care, solidarity, understanding, and ecological and social responsibility. Through the methodology of bibliographic research, we also link up the Homeland Earth work with the recommendations of the Earth Charter through sustainable development, which leads us to the creation of a new planetary citizenship. We consider the following guiding questions: What are the theoretical foundations present in this work that can be considered as the underlying bases for a pedagogical theory capable of enlightening education and moving it towards this new cosmovision? How can the epistemology present in Homeland Earth inspire or guide pedagogical action towards a reform of thinking and educational institutions? We conclude by recognizing that the cognitive operators of complex thinking are mechanisms that generate this epistemology and that transdisciplinary pedagogical practices are fundamental for a better understanding of reality.



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Author Biographies

Maria Cândida Moraes, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo – UMESP

Doutora em Educação e Currículo, pela PUC/SP.
Pesquisadora permanente do GEPEC – Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Complexidade/CNPq da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo – UMESP

Izabel Petraglia, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo

Doutora em Educação pela USP
Pós-doutorado pelo Centre Edgar Morin, da EHESS/CNRS, Paris.
Professora titular do PPGE da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Líder do GEPEC/CNPq


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How to Cite

MORAES, Maria Cândida; PETRAGLIA, Izabel. Epistemology of the Homeland Earth for a new planetary citizenship. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 57, p. e20270, 2021. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n57.20270. Disponível em: https://periodicos.uninove.br/eccos/article/view/20270. Acesso em: 13 mar. 2025.



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