The online news genre and the fake news phenomenon: reflexivity and agentivity in basic education




critical literacy, fake news, news genre, basic education


This article focuses on the process of reading copies of the online news genre and the phenomenon of Fake News, with the aim of understanding the extent to which Basic Education students position themselves and reflectively perceive themselves as agents in the construction of meanings. Starting from an interdisciplinary perspective, this work is based on the Theories of Communication and Linguistics, so that, articulated, both streams provide theoretical subsidies for evaluating the procedures used by students for reading and discursive representation about online news and Fake News. This investigation, based on a Case Study methodology, whose universe of analysis comprises Basic Education students from a public school class in Santa Maria (RS), focuses on the understanding of these students regarding Fake News, news and their readings of these texts. The corpus was generated from a semi-structured questionnaire using the Google Forms platform, with open and closed questions. The analysis shows that the research participants are able to map, identify and discursively represent what Fake News is. Considering, however, the reading strategies carried out by the students, the data show that they still do not contemplate the critical-reflective perspective proposed by Critical Literacy.



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Author Biographies

Eduardo Silva Simioni, Federal University of Santa Maria

Licenciado em Letras e Bacharel em Comunicação Social - Jornalismo

Francieli Matzenbacher Pinton , Federal University of Santa Maria

Doutora em Letras.


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How to Cite

SIMIONI, Eduardo Silva; PINTON , Francieli Matzenbacher. The online news genre and the fake news phenomenon: reflexivity and agentivity in basic education. EccoS – Revista Científica, [S. l.], n. 70, p. e25011, 2024. DOI: 10.5585/eccos.n70.25011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.