Comparing the efficiency of technology and innovation of the EU and selected countries: the effects of EU framework programs




TTechnology and Innovation, Creative Destruction, Efficiency, DEA, European Union, Framework Program


Objective: This study has two purposes. The first is to determine the relatively impact of EU framework programs (Lisbon Strategy to Horizon 2020) on the level of technological efficiency by comparing them with EU members and non-EU members selected countries.  This paper also to compare technology efficiency of the EU member countries separately and as a union. The second is purpose to evaluate technological efficiency scores and the economic growth rates of the EU and the selected countries.

Originality/Relevance: The relative efficiency of the technology and innovation of the EU was compared with other selected countries for 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 and 2018 and evaluated. In previous studies, we could not find a study evaluating the long-term impact of the European Union's framework programs and its efficiency of innovation.

Methodology/approach: For measuring efficiency, DEA method was used with two inputs and four outputs which is represented the technology and innovations.

Main results: The evidence shows that the efficiency of the technology and innovation of the EU was quite low in 2000, and it has reached an increasing trend over the years and reached the full efficient in 2015 and 2018.  The analyses which were done separately for 26 EU countries, the efficiency scores are relatively low among EU countries. It reveals that the EU provides a strong platform for R&D collaborations for creative destruction.

Social/management contributions: The EU should continue to design promoting cooperation networks, frameworks programs to support stable economic growth patterns and long-term technology-based growth targets, considering the distinctive features of its economic system.


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Author Biographies

Gökçe MANAVGAT, Toros University / Mersin - Turquia

Assoc. Prof. in International Trade and Logistics

Ayhan DEMİRCİ, Toros University / Mersin - Turquia

Assoc. Prof. in International Trade and Logistics


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How to Cite

MANAVGAT, G., & DEMİRCİ, A. (2023). Comparing the efficiency of technology and innovation of the EU and selected countries: the effects of EU framework programs. International Journal of Innovation, 11(2), e23741.


