Investigating the transformative effect of technological and service innovations on postal sector adaptability during the pandemic Disruption in India




innovation, customer satisfaction, logistics efficiency, postal sector, pandemic, disruption


Purpose: This study aims to investigate the inventive adjustments that have been made to provide uninterrupted delivery services by the postal sector amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Design/methodology/approach: This is an empirical study on the primary data collected from 354 postal users who use the services during and after pandemic disruption. This study uses regression, partial least square structural modeling and correlation to find out the relationship between dependent and independent variables.

Originality/Value: This paper presents an empirical study that examines the determinants of innovation impacting customer satisfaction among postal users in India during the pandemic disruption, addressing the dearth of previous empirical research on the adaptability of the postal system in this context. The results of our study can help the postal sector create more effective strategies for utilizing cutting-edge logistics technology, enabling them to change into delivery service providers that are innovation-driven.

Findings: The postal sector incorporates both service and technological innovation. The study also includes the other two constructs of logistics efficiency and customer satisfaction. Both service and technological innovation have a significant impact on customer satisfaction; however, service innovation is found to be the reason behind the survivability of the postal sector during the pandemic disruptive environment. Logistics efficiency positively affects customer satisfaction. However, logistics efficiency partially mediates the relationship between innovation and customer satisfaction. Overall, postal customers' satisfaction improves when innovation and logistics efficiency are present.

Theoretical/methodological Contributions: This study connects innovation with logistics efficiency and customer satisfaction in the context of Indian postal system and their adaptability during COVID-19

Social/management Contributions: The impact of innovation on logistical efficiency and consumer perception can be better understood with the help of this study. This can then be used to formulate or adjust strategies to boost the India Post’s revenues and productivity.


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Author Biographies

Jayashree Saha, Tezpur University

Tezpur University, India

Tridib Ranjan Sarma, Tezpur University

Tridib Ranjan Sarma is an Associate Professor of Operations and Head at the Department of Business Administration, Tezpur University, India. He has received his PhD in project scheduling. He has 20 years of teaching experience. His research interests are in optimization, project management, quality management, operations, etc. His works appear in International Journal of Indian Cultural and Business Management, Journal of India, FIIB Business Reviews, Global Business and Economic Reviews, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Journal of Advances in Business Management.


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How to Cite

Saha, J., & Sarma, T. R. (2024). Investigating the transformative effect of technological and service innovations on postal sector adaptability during the pandemic Disruption in India. International Journal of Innovation, 12(2), e26161.



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