Between innovations and disruptions: a case study of a public bank amid changes in the financial market
technological innovation, financial market, public bankAbstract
Objective of the study: This article aims to understand how a public bank responds to technological changes in the financial market.
Methodology / Approach: A qualitative methodology was used in a single case study involving the Sergipe State Bank, with data collection through interviews with innovation management directors and analysis of reports from the bank and the Brazilian Federation of Banks.
Originality / Relevance: Digitalization, widely adopted in the financial market, accentuates the distinction between fintechs and traditional banks, highlighting technological innovation as a fundamental element. Based on this, this paper has the originality of studying financial innovation, more specifically the technological type, from the perspective of public banks, which has been little explored in the field of innovation studies. Regarding the relevance of the work, a socioeconomic interest is generated as public banks stand out, which, among traditional institutions, act with a social bias.
Main results: It was observed that most of the innovations promoted by Banese aim to gain operational efficiency and improve service.
Theoretical / methodological contributions: It is considered that a public bank rarely innovates in a disruptive way, and does not necessarily replicate what is trending in the market, as it prioritizes what is interesting to its consumer public and its strategic mission.
Social / management contributions: The use of data related to innovation in research helps governments understand socioeconomic changes, in addition to monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of their policies (OCDE, 2018).
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