The Influence of Technology Readiness Index in Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Study with Brazilian Entrepreneurs in the United States of America


  • Daniel Penz Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci
  • Bianca Costa Amorim Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci
  • Sabrina Nascimento Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina
  • Carlos Ricardo Rossetto Universidade do Vale do Itajaí



Technology Readiness Index, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Brazilian small-business men


This research has aimed to analyze the influence of the Technology Readiness Index (TRI) in the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) for Brazilian small-business men who have settled in the United States of America. The exploratory research or quantitative survey was based on a structural equation modeling, using SmartPLS (SEM-PLS). The sample was comprised of 107 Brazilian small-entrepreneurs who live in the United States. The results indicate the predominance of inducing technology factors in dimensions of optimism and innovativeness to the TRI, which suggests making use of new technologies. By excluding the dimensions of discomfort and insecurity on the TRI, it was revealed entrepreneurs feel more comfortable with technology and do not feel uncomfortable or insecure about using them. Regarding the entrepreneurial orientation, it was possible to perceive dimensions of risk propensity, proactive approach and innovativeness among those who participated in the survey. Concerning the relationship of both constructs, the TRI and the OE, the structural model has shown good fitting of 36%, which means the TRI explains the EO in 13%. In outline, it is to say the TRI fairly influences the entrepreneurial orientation of those Brazilian small-business men analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Penz, Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci

Mestre em Administração pela UNIVALI e professor do Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci.

Bianca Costa Amorim, Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci

Mestre em Administração pela UNIVALI e professora do Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci.

Sabrina Nascimento, Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina

Doutora em Administração e Turismo pela UNIVALI, Mestre em Ciências Contábeis pela FURB e Bacharel em Ciências Contábeis pela UFSC. Coordenação do curso de Ciências Contábeis na UNOESC - Chapecó.

Carlos Ricardo Rossetto, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí

Doutor em Engenharia de Produção pela UFSC e professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da UNIVALI




How to Cite

Penz, D., Amorim, B. C., Nascimento, S., & Rossetto, C. R. (2017). The Influence of Technology Readiness Index in Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Study with Brazilian Entrepreneurs in the United States of America. International Journal of Innovation, 5(1), 66–76.