Eco-innovation: opportunities, challenges, and advances in current research




editorial commentary, eco-innovation, eco-innovation research, opportunities and challenges in eco-innovation


The objective of this editorial in the International Journal of Innovation (IJI) is to share reflections on eco-innovation, highlighting the advances and perspectives in current research, emphasizing the opportunities and challenges of organizations identified by researchers in their studies. Eco-innovation is important for sustainable development as it promotes business practices that combine economic performance and environmental responsibility. This editorial discusses current research on the factors driving eco-innovation adoption, its economic and environmental implications, and how its intersection with internationalization can enhance benefits. Furthermore, we explore the opportunities and challenges, such as the need for favorable public policies and interdisciplinary collaboration. We invite researchers to submit their studies to the IJI to advance the field of eco-innovation.


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Author Biographies

Ana Cândida Ferreira Vieira Vieira, Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE

Ph.D. candidate in the Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE) in São Paulo (rated 6 in the last CAPES quadrennial evaluation). Master's degree in Economics (2002) from Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). Executive MBA: Management with Emphasis on Financial Management (2022) from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). Bachelor's degree in Economics (2000) from Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). Associate Professor IV/DE in the Department of Applied Social Sciences (DCSA) at Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB)/Campus IV/North Coast. Member of the Research Group at CNPq, focusing on Innovation Strategy in the PPGA/UNINOVE/SP program

Priscila Rezende da Costa Costa, Universidade Nove de Julho

Ph.D. in Administration from the University of São Paulo, FEA USP, 2012. Master’s in Administration from the University of São Paulo, FEA RP USP, 2007. Bachelor’s in Administration from the Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, 2005. Currently, she is the director of the Graduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho, PPGA UNINOVE (rated 6 in the last CAPES quadrennial evaluation), and a professor in the Master's and Doctoral programs in Administration, with a focus on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Business (IEN). She is also a permanent faculty member of the Graduate Program in Project Management, PPGP, at UNINOVE, and chairs the Local Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (CLAA) of the Tutorial Education Program (PET)

Marcos Ferasso, Universidade Lusófona

Assistant Professor, in Portugal: Universidade Lusófona (Undergraduate: Strategic Marketing, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing; Postgraduate: Marketing, Innovation in Tourism – teaching in Portuguese and English).

2005 – 2023: Assistant Professor in Portugal at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa; Speaker and Researcher in Brazil at Unoesc, UFRGS, SENAC School of Technology, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, UFPI, UTFPR, Facear College, Unochapecó (teaching in Portuguese and English).

Visiting/Guest Professor in undergraduate, specialization, and postgraduate courses:

2024 – present: Guest Professor. In Poland, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. Bachelor’s in International Business Management (International Business Management, shared with Dr. Valentina Schmitt; leadership). In Peru, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Doctorate in Strategic Management (Business Strategy). In Italy, Università degli Studi di Sassari (Erasmus+ postgraduate program). In Brazil, Universidade Nove de Julho (Mixed Methods Research Workshop), in Chile, Universidad Autónoma de Chile (FAN Doctoral School).

2006 – 2022: In Brazil, CIPPEX, UNIUV, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Unicamp, Verbo Ed., Unioeste; in France, KEDGE Business School, University of Aix-Marseille; in Italy, Università Degli Studi di Milano; in Finland, University of Jyväskylä; in Peru, University of Lima, University Consortium (Doctoral Program - teaching in Spanish); in Poland, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (Doctoral School 2019, 2021, and 2022); in Colombia, La Salle University (Visiting Professor – Summer Academy 2021); in India, Chandigarh University; in Japan, Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto (Master's programs 2023 and 2024)

Isabel Cristina Scafuto, Universidade Nove de Julho

Ph.D. in Administration from Universidade Nove de Julho (2017). Master’s in Language Sciences from Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2011). Specialist in Event Management and Planning from Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2007). Holds a Bachelor's degree in Tourism - Tourism Management from Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (2005). Currently, she is a Professor and Researcher in the Graduate Program in Project Management - PPGP at Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE. Leader of the Strategy and Projects Research Line and Group in the PPGP

Vânia Maria Jorge Nassif, Universidade Nove de Julho

Associate Professor in Human Resources from FEARP/USP, with a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Skills from FGV-SP. Ph.D. in Business Administration from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Master’s in Education from Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, and Bachelor's degree in Psychology from FFCLRP/USP. Visiting Researcher at Bradley University, Illinois-USA. Leader of research projects funded by FAPESP-SP in the area of Entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on Women’s Entrepreneurship and Minority Groups. Productivity Research Fellow (PQ2/CNPq). Professor in the Graduate Program in Administration at Universidade Nove de Julho - UNINOVE/SP, researcher, and leader of the research line in Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Business (IEN)


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How to Cite

Vieira, A. C. F. V., Costa, P. R. da C., Ferasso, M., Scafuto, I. C., & Nassif, V. M. J. (2024). Eco-innovation: opportunities, challenges, and advances in current research. International Journal of Innovation, 12(2), e26847.



Editorial comment
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