Marketing Research in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges


  • Joseph F. Hair Jr. University of South Alabama, United States
  • Dana E. Harrison East Tennessee State University
  • Jeffrey J. Risher



The role of marketing for consumers and businesses is rapidly evolving (Ferrell, Hair, Marshall & Tamilia 2015). Indeed, the marketing function is fundamentally changing as a result of the digital transformation, data, data analytics and most recently, personal mobile devices, such as infusion software, which track time as individuals work or play, can search for local businesses or customers while in a coffee shop, send an invoice or quote from a client’s office, and much more (Shah et al 2014). Marketing research design and analysis methods are also changing rapidly (Hair, Black, Babin & Anderson 2019). These changes are emerging from transformations in management skills (Henke, Levine & McInerney 2018; Davenport 2018), technological innovation, particularly in the digital space (Davenport 2018), and continuously evolving customer behavior (needs and expectations) (Wedel & Kannan 2016). To continue being relevant, marketing research must remain as dynamic as the markets themselves.


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Biografia do Autor

Joseph F. Hair Jr., University of South Alabama, United States

É fundador e Acadêmico Sênior do Doutorado em Administração de Empresas no Coles College at Kennesaw State University. Anteriormente, ocupou a Copeland Endowed Chair of Entrepreneurship e foi Director, Entrepreneurship Institute, Ourso College of Business Administration, Louisiana State University. Ele foi United States Steel Fellow da Fundação da Universidade de Florida, Gainesville, onde obteve seu doutorado em Marketing, em 1971. Ele é autor de mais de 40 livros, incluindo Marketing, South-Western Publishing Company, 12th edition 2012; (South African, Portuguese, Malaysian, Chinese, European, Australian & Spanish-language editions also available); Marketing Essentials, South-Western Publishing Company, 7th edition 2011; MKTG, South-Western Publishing Company, 6th edition 2012; Multivariate Data Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 7th edition, 2010 (citado mais de 22,000 vezes); Essentials of Business Research Methods, M.E. Sharpe, 2011; Research Methods for Business, Wiley, UK, 2007; Marketing Research, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 4th edition 2009; Essentials of Marketing Research, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 3rd edition 2013; A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equations Modeling, Sage, 2013, and Sales Management: Building Partnerships; Houghton-Mifflin, 2009. Ele também publicou inúmeros artigos em revistas científicas, tais como o Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business / Chicago, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Long Range Planning, Management Decision, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, European Business Review, International Marketing Review, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Experimental Education, Business Horizons, Journal of Retailing, Marketing Education Review, Journal of Marketing Education, and Multivariate Behavioral Research, entre outros. Ele é um Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, the Society for Marketing Advances, and Southwestern Marketing Association. Ele também foi presidente da Academy of Marketing Sciences, na Society for Marketing Advances, da Southern Marketing Association, da Association for Healthcare Research, da Southwestern Marketing Association e da American Institute for Decision Sciences, Southeast Section e tem sido Presidente e Editor de várias associações científicas. Ele atualmente atua como Chair of the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Sciences and the Society for Marketing Advances. Ele foi reconhecido como o Academy of Marketing Science Marketing Educator of the year, Academy of Marketing Science/Harold Berkman Lifetime Service Award recipient, the KSU Coles College Foundation Distinguished Professor in 2009, the Aronoff Distinguished Professor in 2008, and the Innovative Marketer of the Year in 2007 by the Marketing Management Association. Em 2004 recebeu da Academy of Marketing Science Outstanding Marketing Teaching Excellence Award. The Louisiana State University Entrepreneurship Institute, sob sua liderança foi reconhecido nacionalmente pela Entrepreneurship Magazine em 2003 como um dos 12 melhores programas nos EUA, e também foi classificado como 3º nos EUA em 2004 e 2005 pela Forbes Magazine/Princeton Review. Ele foi e é consultor de várias empresas de detaque de vários segmentos, bem como pelo U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Interior. Ele também foi entrevistado com especialista nas áreas de marketing, empreendedorismo e análise econômica, e tem planejado / desenvolvido programas de atualização e treinamento de executivos. Finalmente, ele é frequentemente convidado a dar palestras sobre as principais técnicas de pesquisa, análise de dados e questões de marketing para as organizações na Europa, Austrália e outros locais fora os EUA.




Como Citar

Hair Jr., J. F., Harrison, D. E., & Risher, J. J. (2018). Marketing Research in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 17(5), 666–699.