The role of environmental concern in mediating the effect of personal environmental norms on the intention to purchase green products: a case study on outdoor athletes




Outdoor Athletes. Green Purchase Intention. Personal Environmental Norm. Environmental Concern


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the role of environmental concern in mediating the relationship between outdoor athletes’ personal environmental norms and their intention to purchase green products.

Method: In the study, The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used. The study group of the research consisted of licensed outdoor athletes (n=396) in Turkey. The SPSS 25.0 software program was used for the descriptive data, and the AMOS 24.0 software program was used for the confirmatory factor analysis and structural model test.

Results:  The results of the analysis revealed that the outdoor athletes’ personal environmental norms had a positive effect on their environmental concerns and intention to purchase green products. That is, the outdoor athletes’ personal environmental norms increased their environmental concerns and green purchase intention. Moreover, it was seen that the outdoor athletes’ environmental concerns had a positive effect on their green purchase intention and that they had a significant role in mediating the relationship between personal environmental norms and green purchase intention.

Theoretical contributions: In conclusion, it is thought that outdoor sports can be used as a mean of strengthening consumers’ personal environmental norms and environmental concerns in order to encourage green consumption.

Originality: Among the sample groups of studies conducted on the subject of green consumption, the fact that no study can be found that examines consumption behaviours of outdoor athletes, who represent the assumption that since they do outdoor sports, they can be closely involved with the natural environment, makes it important to determine outdoor athletes’ green purchase intentions. Therefore, the current study differs in this respect from other conducted studies.


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Biografia do Autor

Nedim Tekin, Hasan Doğan School of Physical Education and Sports Karabuk –Türkiye




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Como Citar

Tekin, N., & Çoknaz, D. (2022). The role of environmental concern in mediating the effect of personal environmental norms on the intention to purchase green products: a case study on outdoor athletes. ReMark - Revista Brasileira De Marketing, 21(4), 1282–1306.



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