Green products: purchasing intention, attitude and behaviour in the Ecuadorian market
Green products, sustainability, environmental concern, purchasing behaviour, PLSResumo
Objective: the main objective of this study is to examine how social, personal, conspicuous, environmental and economic factors may influence the purchasing attitude of second-hand luxury products, in addition to analyzing how anonymity and authenticity warranty moderate the purchase intention of second-hand luxury, subjective norms, and perception of behavioral control, due to the increase in the second-hand luxury products market.
Methodology/approach: using data collected from 301 Brazilians during the period of November 2022 and March 2023, we designed a structural model that consider the constructs: social, personal, conspicuous, environmental and economic factors, the attitude and intention to purchase second-hand luxury products, the anonymity, the authenticity warranty, the perception of behavioral control and subjective norms.
Originality/value: this work tests the hypotheses that guaranteeing authenticity and anonymity increase the relationships between perceived behavioral control, subjective norms and purchase intention for the first time. This occurs because the authenticity warranty and anonymity are necessary for many consumers of used luxury items.
Results: the results of the analysis show that anonymity and authenticity warranty do not increase the relationships among subjective norms and perception of behavioral control with the intention to purchase second-hand luxury items. Furthermore, environmental and personal factors do not show a positive relationship with the attitude towards purchasing second-hand luxury products.
Theoretical and practical contribution: this study brings theoretical contributions by analyzing how factors influence second-hand purchase attitudes whereas it is difficult to find relevant academic studies that cover this topic. As a practical contribution, it provides guidance for companies in the first- and second-hand luxury products market to better develop marketing strategies because factors did not prove to be relevant.
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